The patented TwinFluid fluidised bed combustion
After many years of work with a variety of fluidised bed combustion systems, we have developed the optimum system which offers the following advantages:
A detailed description of the system can be found here
Fuel flexibility
Our system can burn a wide range of fuels with changing properties, such as ash or moisture content, volatile and heating value variations in an environmentally friendly manner at high efficiency.
Flexible load control and economic operation
The TwinFluid combustion system covers a wide load range without changing the combustion conditions. This means that the operation of the plant is efficient and environmentally friendly over a wide range of operational conditions.
Universal, cost effective combustion system
The TwinFluid system can be employed in many different energy plant for the generation of hot gas and steam as well as the heating of water and thermal oil, The combustion system is compact, economic and easy to operate and maintain.