    [id] => 25
    [pid] => 7
    [tstamp] => 1369843326
    [headline] => Deutsches Patentamt erteilt Patent für  Wirbelschichtfeuerung
    [alias] => deutsches-patentamt-erteilt-patent-fuer-wirbelschichtfeuerung
    [author] => 
    [date] => 02.04.2009 18:00
    [time] => 1238688000
    [subheadline] => 
    [teaser] => 

Das Deutsche Patentamt erteilt das Patent DE102007062390 B3 für unser Wirbelschicht Feuerungsverfahren nach dem TwinFluid Prinzip. Das Verfahren zeichnet sich durch Umweltfreundlichkeit, besonders gute Teillastregelung, Brennstoff-Flexibilität und hohen Wirkungsgrad bei niedrigem Kraftbedarf aus. Die Patentschrift kann beim Patentamt heruntergeladen werden:

Klicken Sie hier und in der Recherche "Michael Kaden" als Erfinder eingeben

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=> Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => tag [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [1] => Array ( [name] => replacement [type] => text [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => text ) [2] => Array ( [name] => disableRTE [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [3] => Array ( [name] => description [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [4] => Array ( [name] => timing [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [5] => Array ( [name] => start_date [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [6] => Array ( [name] => start_time [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [7] => Array ( [name] => end_date [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [8] => Array ( [name] => end_time [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [9] => Array ( [name] => limitpages [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [10] => Array ( [name] => pages [type] => blob [collation] => [null] => NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => blob ) [11] => Array ( [name] => includesubpages [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [12] => Array ( [name] => limitLanguages [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [13] => Array ( [name] => languages [type] => blob [collation] => [null] => NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => blob ) [14] => Array ( [name] => backend [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [15] => Array ( [name] => cacheOutput [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [16] => Array ( [name] => useCondition [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [17] => Array ( [name] => conditionType [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [18] => Array ( [name] => conditionQuery [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [19] => Array ( [name] => conditionFormula [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [20] => Array ( [name] => conditionValue [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [21] => Array ( [name] => useCounter [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [22] => Array ( [name] => counterValue [type] => int [length] => 5 [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(5) ) [23] => Array ( [name] => counterDefault [type] => int [length] => 5 [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(5) ) [24] => Array ( [name] => counterRepeat [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [25] => Array ( [name] => protected [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [26] => Array ( [name] => groups [type] => blob [collation] => [null] => NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => blob ) [27] => Array ( [name] => guests [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [28] => Array ( [name] => id [type] => int [length] => 10 [attributes] => unsigned [index] => PRIMARY [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => auto_increment [origtype] => int(10) unsigned ) [29] => Array ( [name] => pid [type] => int [length] => 10 [attributes] => unsigned [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(10) unsigned ) [30] => Array ( [name] => tstamp [type] => int [length] => 10 [attributes] => unsigned [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(10) unsigned ) [31] => Array ( [name] => sorting [type] => int [length] => 10 [attributes] => unsigned [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(10) unsigned ) [32] => Array ( [name] => type [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [PRIMARY] => Array ( [name] => PRIMARY [type] => index [index_fields] => Array ( [0] => id ) [index] => UNIQUE ) ) ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) [User] => Contao\FrontendUser Object ( [strTable:protected] => tl_member [strCookie:protected] => FE_USER_AUTH [strLoginPage:protected] => [arrGroups:protected] => [intId:protected] => [strIp:protected] => [strHash:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => -1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503 - $Id$ [client_version] => 50011 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 15 [host_info] => via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-log [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 9931433 Threads: 6 Questions: 3947397938 Slow queries: 2001 Opens: 137251874 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 6000 Queries per second avg: 397.465 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 64167346 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => db472451874 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => [dbPass] => t2F6tZFQ [dbPconnect] => [dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => dbo472451874 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( [db472451874] => Array ( [0] => tl_article [1] => tl_calendar [2] => tl_calendar_events [3] => tl_calendar_feed [4] => tl_comments [5] => tl_comments_notify [6] => tl_content [7] => tl_cron [8] => tl_crontab [9] => tl_extension [10] => tl_faq [11] => tl_faq_category [12] => tl_files [13] => tl_form [14] => tl_form_field [15] => tl_formdata [16] => tl_formdata_details [17] => tl_image_size [18] => tl_image_size_item [19] => tl_inserttags [20] => tl_layout [21] => tl_log [22] => tl_member [23] => tl_member_group [24] => tl_module [25] => tl_news [26] => tl_news_archive [27] => tl_news_feed [28] => tl_newsletter [29] => tl_newsletter_channel [30] => tl_newsletter_recipients [31] => tl_page [32] => tl_repository_installs [33] => tl_repository_instfiles [34] => tl_search [35] => tl_search_index [36] => tl_session [37] => tl_style [38] => tl_style_sheet [39] => tl_theme [40] => tl_undo [41] => tl_user [42] => tl_user_group [43] => tl_version ) [tl_inserttags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => tag [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [1] => Array ( [name] => replacement [type] => text [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => text ) [2] => Array ( [name] => disableRTE [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [3] => Array ( [name] => description [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [4] => Array ( [name] => timing [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [5] => Array ( [name] => start_date [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [6] => Array ( [name] => start_time [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [7] => Array ( [name] => end_date [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [8] => Array ( [name] => end_time [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [9] => Array ( [name] => limitpages [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [10] => Array ( [name] => pages [type] => blob [collation] => [null] => NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => blob ) [11] => Array ( [name] => includesubpages [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [12] => Array ( [name] => limitLanguages [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [13] => Array ( [name] => languages [type] => blob [collation] => [null] => NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => blob ) [14] => Array ( [name] => backend [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [15] => Array ( [name] => cacheOutput [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [16] => Array ( [name] => useCondition [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [17] => Array ( [name] => conditionType [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [18] => Array ( [name] => conditionQuery [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [19] => Array ( [name] => conditionFormula [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [20] => Array ( [name] => conditionValue [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [21] => Array ( [name] => useCounter [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [22] => Array ( [name] => counterValue [type] => int [length] => 5 [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(5) ) [23] => Array ( [name] => counterDefault [type] => int [length] => 5 [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(5) ) [24] => Array ( [name] => counterRepeat [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [25] => Array ( [name] => protected [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [26] => Array ( [name] => groups [type] => blob [collation] => [null] => NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => blob ) [27] => Array ( [name] => guests [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [28] => Array ( [name] => id [type] => int [length] => 10 [attributes] => unsigned [index] => PRIMARY [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => auto_increment [origtype] => int(10) unsigned ) [29] => Array ( [name] => pid [type] => int [length] => 10 [attributes] => unsigned [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(10) unsigned ) [30] => Array ( [name] => tstamp [type] => int [length] => 10 [attributes] => unsigned [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(10) unsigned ) [31] => Array ( [name] => sorting [type] => int [length] => 10 [attributes] => unsigned [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(10) unsigned ) [32] => Array ( [name] => type [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [PRIMARY] => Array ( [name] => PRIMARY [type] => index [index_fields] => Array ( [0] => id ) [index] => UNIQUE ) ) ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) ) ) ) [hasText] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [objArticle] => Contao\NewsModel Object ( [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 25 [pid] => 7 [tstamp] => 1369843326 [headline] => Deutsches Patentamt erteilt Patent für Wirbelschichtfeuerung [alias] => deutsches-patentamt-erteilt-patent-fuer-wirbelschichtfeuerung [author] => 1 [date] => 1238688000 [time] => 1238688000 [subheadline] => [teaser] =>

Das Deutsche Patentamt erteilt das Patent DE102007062390 B3 für unser Wirbelschicht Feuerungsverfahren nach dem TwinFluid Prinzip. Das Verfahren zeichnet sich durch Umweltfreundlichkeit, besonders gute Teillastregelung, Brennstoff-Flexibilität und hohen Wirkungsgrad bei niedrigem Kraftbedarf aus. Die Patentschrift kann beim Patentamt heruntergeladen werden:

Klicken Sie hier und in der Recherche "Michael Kaden" als Erfinder eingeben

[addImage] => 1 [singleSRC] => m鼐,^W [alt] => [size] => a:3:{i:0;s:0:"";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:12:"proportional";} [imagemargin] => a:5:{s:6:"bottom";s:0:"";s:4:"left";s:0:"";s:5:"right";s:0:"";s:3:"top";s:0:"";s:4:"unit";s:0:"";} [imageUrl] => [fullsize] => [caption] => [floating] => left [addEnclosure] => [enclosure] => [source] => default [jumpTo] => 0 [articleId] => 0 [url] => [target] => [cssClass] => [noComments] => [featured] => [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => ) [arrModified:protected] => Array ( ) [arrRelations:protected] => Array ( [pid] => Array ( [table] => tl_news_archive [field] => id [type] => belongsTo [load] => eager ) [author] => Array ( [table] => tl_user [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => eager ) [jumpTo] => Array ( [table] => tl_page [field] => id [type] => belongsTo [load] => lazy ) ) [arrRelated:protected] => Array ( [pid] => Contao\NewsArchiveModel Object ( [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 7 [tstamp] => 1370775593 [title] => News [de] [jumpTo] => 54 [protected] => [groups] => [allowComments] => [notify] => notify_admin [sortOrder] => ascending [perPage] => 0 [moderate] => [bbcode] => [requireLogin] => [disableCaptcha] => ) [arrModified:protected] => Array ( ) [arrRelations:protected] => Array ( [jumpTo] => Array ( [table] => tl_page [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => eager ) [groups] => Array ( [table] => tl_member_group [field] => id [type] => hasMany [load] => lazy ) ) [arrRelated:protected] => Array ( [jumpTo] => Contao\PageModel Object ( [blnDetailsLoaded:protected] => 1 [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 54 [pid] => 53 [sorting] => 128 [tstamp] => 1370083400 [title] => Newsreader [alias] => newsreader-54 [type] => regular [pageTitle] => [language] => de [robots] => index,follow [description] => [redirect] => permanent [jumpTo] => 0 [url] => [target] => [dns] => [staticFiles] => [staticPlugins] => [fallback] => [adminEmail] => [dateFormat] => d.m.Y [timeFormat] => H:i [datimFormat] => d.m.Y H:i [createSitemap] => [sitemapName] => [useSSL] => [autoforward] => [protected] => [groups] => [includeLayout] => 1 [layout] => 2 [mobileLayout] => 0 [includeCache] => [cache] => [includeChmod] => [cuser] => 0 [cgroup] => 0 [chmod] => a:9:{i:0;s:2:"u1";i:1;s:2:"u2";i:2;s:2:"u3";i:3;s:2:"u4";i:4;s:2:"u5";i:5;s:2:"u6";i:6;s:2:"g4";i:7;s:2:"g5";i:8;s:2:"g6";} [noSearch] => [cssClass] => [sitemap] => map_default [hide] => 1 [guests] => [tabindex] => 0 [accesskey] => [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [languageMain] => 26 [languageRoot] => 0 [addFavicon] => [favicon] => [rootFavicon] => [fbFavicon] => 1 [mainAlias] => de-start [mainTitle] => Start [mainPageTitle] => Start [parentAlias] => aktuell [parentTitle] => Aktuell [parentPageTitle] => Aktuell [folderUrl] => de-start/aktuell/ [rootId] => 51 [rootAlias] => alera-tech-de [rootTitle] => alera-tech [de] [rootPageTitle] => alera international GmbH - Spitzenleistung in der Umwelt- & Energietechnik [domain] => [rootLanguage] => de [rootIsPublic] => 1 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=> Array ( [table] => tl_user [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [cgroup] => Array ( [table] => tl_user_group [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) ) [arrRelated:protected] => Array ( ) [blnPreventSaving:protected] => 1 ) ) [blnPreventSaving:protected] => ) [author] => Contao\UserModel Object ( [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1 [tstamp] => 1369812077 [username] => m.mailaender [name] => Mario Mailänder [email] => [language] => de [backendTheme] => [uploader] => [showHelp] => 1 [thumbnails] => 1 [useRTE] => 1 [useCE] => 1 [password] => $6$038c862d05d37729$iz2U7X5r8qI7p3drrShuKyvAH0T1U4Dw2lSFW1Z2tnQI5hhuScJvzEP.Gd.Ji90/wJWnowPzofFJBkMTApm0n/ [pwChange] => [admin] => 1 [groups] => [inherit] => [modules] => [themes] => [pagemounts] => a:0:{} [alpty] => [filemounts] => a:0:{} [fop] => [forms] => [formp] => [disable] => [start] => [stop] => [session] => 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id [type] => hasOne [load] => eager ) [form] => Array ( [table] => tl_form [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [reg_groups] => Array ( [table] => tl_member_group [field] => id [type] => hasMany [load] => lazy ) [reg_jumpTo] => Array ( [table] => tl_page [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [groups] => Array ( [table] => tl_member_group [field] => id [type] => hasMany [load] => lazy ) ) [arrRelated:protected] => Array ( [jumpTo] => ) [blnPreventSaving:protected] => ) [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 11 [pid] => 1 [tstamp] => 1369841935 [name] => Newslist [de] [headline] => [type] => newslist [levelOffset] => 0 [showLevel] => 0 [hardLimit] => [showProtected] => [defineRoot] => [rootPage] => 0 [navigationTpl] => [pages] => [orderPages] => [showHidden] => [customLabel] => [autologin] => [jumpTo] => 0 [redirectBack] => [cols] => 2cl [editable] => [memberTpl] => [tableless] => [form] => 0 [queryType] => and [fuzzy] => [contextLength] => 48 [totalLength] => 1000 [perPage] => 4 [searchType] => simple [searchTpl] => [inColumn] => main [skipFirst] => 0 [loadFirst] => [size] => [transparent] => [flashvars] => [altContent] => [source] => internal [singleSRC] => [url] => [interactive] => [flashID] => [flashJS] => [imgSize] => a:3:{i:0;s:3:"130";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:12:"proportional";} [useCaption] => [fullsize] => [multiSRC] => [orderSRC] => [html] => [rss_cache] => 3600 [rss_feed] => [rss_template] => rss_default [numberOfItems] => 0 [disableCaptcha] => [reg_groups] => [reg_allowLogin] => [reg_skipName] => [reg_close] => [reg_assignDir] => [reg_homeDir] => [reg_activate] => [reg_jumpTo] => 0 [reg_text] => [reg_password] => [protected] => [groups] => [guests] => [cssID] => Array ( [0] => [1] => news_list ) [space] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [cal_calendar] => [cal_noSpan] => [cal_startDay] => 1 [cal_format] => cal_month [cal_ignoreDynamic] => [cal_order] => ascending [cal_readerModule] => 0 [cal_limit] => 0 [cal_template] => event_full [cal_ctemplate] => cal_default [cal_showQuantity] => [com_order] => ascending [com_moderate] => [com_bbcode] => [com_requireLogin] => [com_disableCaptcha] => [com_template] => com_default [faq_categories] => [faq_readerModule] => 0 [list_table] => [list_fields] => [list_where] => [list_search] => [list_sort] => [list_info] => [list_info_where] => [list_layout] => list_default [list_info_layout] => info_default [news_archives] => Array ( [0] => 7 ) [news_featured] => all_items [news_jumpToCurrent] => [news_readerModule] => 0 [news_metaFields] => a:1:{i:0;s:4:"date";} [news_template] => news_list [news_format] => news_month [news_startDay] => 0 [news_order] => descending [news_showQuantity] => [newsletters] => [nl_channels] => [nl_hideChannels] => [nl_subscribe] => [nl_unsubscribe] => [nl_template] => nl_simple [hideActiveLanguage] => [hideNoFallback] => [keepUrlParams] => [customLanguage] => [customLanguageText] => [list_formdata] => [efg_list_searchtype] => [efg_list_access] => [efg_fe_edit_access] => [efg_fe_delete_access] => [efg_fe_export_access] => [efg_DetailsKey] => [efg_iconfolder] => [efg_fe_keep_id] => [efg_fe_no_formatted_mail] => [efg_fe_no_confirmation_mail] => [efg_com_allow_comments] => [efg_com_per_page] => 0 [efg_com_notify] => notify_admin [customTpl] => [typePrefix] => mod_ [hl] => h1 [Template] => Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 11 [pid] => 1 [tstamp] => 1369841935 [name] => Newslist [de] [headline] => [type] => newslist [levelOffset] => 0 [showLevel] => 0 [hardLimit] => [showProtected] => [defineRoot] => [rootPage] => 0 [navigationTpl] => [pages] => [orderPages] => [showHidden] => [customLabel] => [autologin] => [jumpTo] => 0 [redirectBack] => [cols] => 2cl [editable] => [memberTpl] => [tableless] => [form] => 0 [queryType] => and [fuzzy] => [contextLength] => 48 [totalLength] => 1000 [perPage] => 4 [searchType] => simple [searchTpl] => [inColumn] => main [skipFirst] => 0 [loadFirst] => [size] => [transparent] => [flashvars] => [altContent] => [source] => internal [singleSRC] => [url] => [interactive] => [flashID] => [flashJS] => [imgSize] => a:3:{i:0;s:3:"130";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:12:"proportional";} [useCaption] => [fullsize] => [multiSRC] => [orderSRC] => [html] => [rss_cache] => 3600 [rss_feed] => [rss_template] => rss_default [numberOfItems] => 0 [disableCaptcha] => [reg_groups] => [reg_allowLogin] => [reg_skipName] => [reg_close] => [reg_assignDir] => [reg_homeDir] => [reg_activate] => [reg_jumpTo] => 0 [reg_text] => [reg_password] => [protected] => [groups] => [guests] => [cssID] => Array ( [0] => [1] => news_list ) [space] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [cal_calendar] => [cal_noSpan] => [cal_startDay] => 1 [cal_format] => cal_month [cal_ignoreDynamic] => [cal_order] => ascending [cal_readerModule] => 0 [cal_limit] => 0 [cal_template] => event_full [cal_ctemplate] => cal_default [cal_showQuantity] => [com_order] => ascending [com_moderate] => [com_bbcode] => [com_requireLogin] => [com_disableCaptcha] => [com_template] => com_default [faq_categories] => [faq_readerModule] => 0 [list_table] => [list_fields] => [list_where] => [list_search] => [list_sort] => [list_info] => [list_info_where] => [list_layout] => list_default [list_info_layout] => info_default [news_archives] => Array ( [0] => 7 ) [news_featured] => all_items [news_jumpToCurrent] => [news_readerModule] => 0 [news_metaFields] => a:1:{i:0;s:4:"date";} [news_template] => news_list [news_format] => news_month [news_startDay] => 0 [news_order] => descending [news_showQuantity] => [newsletters] => [nl_channels] => [nl_hideChannels] => [nl_subscribe] => [nl_unsubscribe] => [nl_template] => nl_simple [hideActiveLanguage] => [hideNoFallback] => [keepUrlParams] => [customLanguage] => [customLanguageText] => [list_formdata] => [efg_list_searchtype] => [efg_list_access] => [efg_fe_edit_access] => [efg_fe_delete_access] => [efg_fe_export_access] => [efg_DetailsKey] => [efg_iconfolder] => [efg_fe_keep_id] => [efg_fe_no_formatted_mail] => [efg_fe_no_confirmation_mail] => [efg_com_allow_comments] => [efg_com_per_page] => 0 [efg_com_notify] => notify_admin [customTpl] => [typePrefix] => mod_ [hl] => h1 [Template] => Contao\FrontendTemplate Object *RECURSION* [articles] => Array ( ) [empty] => Zurzeit sind keine Nachrichten vorhanden. [pagination] => ) [strTemplate:protected] => mod_newslist [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) [arrStyle:protected] => Array ( ) [arrMeta:protected] => Array ( ) [arrAux:protected] => Array ( ) [arrProcessed:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => -1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503 - $Id$ [client_version] => 50011 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 15 [host_info] => via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-log [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 9931433 Threads: 6 Questions: 3947397941 Slow queries: 2001 Opens: 137251874 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 6000 Queries per second avg: 397.465 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 64167346 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => db472451874 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => [dbPass] => t2F6tZFQ [dbPconnect] => [dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => dbo472451874 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( [db472451874] => Array ( [0] => tl_article [1] => tl_calendar [2] => tl_calendar_events [3] => tl_calendar_feed [4] => tl_comments [5] => tl_comments_notify [6] => tl_content [7] => tl_cron [8] => tl_crontab [9] => tl_extension [10] => tl_faq [11] => tl_faq_category [12] => tl_files [13] => tl_form [14] => tl_form_field [15] => tl_formdata [16] => tl_formdata_details [17] => tl_image_size [18] => tl_image_size_item [19] => tl_inserttags [20] => tl_layout [21] => tl_log [22] => tl_member [23] => tl_member_group [24] => tl_module [25] => tl_news [26] => tl_news_archive [27] => tl_news_feed [28] => tl_newsletter [29] => tl_newsletter_channel [30] => tl_newsletter_recipients [31] => tl_page [32] => tl_repository_installs [33] => tl_repository_instfiles [34] => tl_search [35] => tl_search_index [36] => tl_session [37] => tl_style [38] => tl_style_sheet [39] => tl_theme [40] => tl_undo [41] => tl_user [42] => tl_user_group [43] => tl_version ) [tl_inserttags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => tag [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [1] => Array ( [name] => replacement [type] => text [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => text ) [2] => Array ( [name] => disableRTE [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [3] => Array ( [name] => description [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [4] => Array ( [name] => timing [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [5] => Array ( [name] => start_date [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [6] => Array ( [name] => start_time [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [7] => Array ( [name] => end_date [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [8] => Array ( [name] => end_time [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [9] => Array ( [name] => limitpages [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [10] => Array ( [name] => pages [type] => blob [collation] => [null] => NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => blob ) [11] => Array ( [name] => includesubpages [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [12] => Array ( [name] => limitLanguages [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [13] => Array ( [name] => languages [type] => blob [collation] => [null] => NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => blob ) [14] => Array ( [name] => backend [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [15] => Array ( [name] => cacheOutput [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [16] => Array ( [name] => useCondition [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [17] => Array ( [name] => conditionType [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [18] => Array ( [name] => conditionQuery [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [19] => Array ( [name] => conditionFormula [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [20] => Array ( [name] => conditionValue [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [21] => Array ( [name] => useCounter [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [22] => Array ( [name] => counterValue [type] => int [length] => 5 [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(5) ) [23] => Array ( [name] => counterDefault [type] => int [length] => 5 [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(5) ) [24] => Array ( [name] => counterRepeat [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [25] => Array ( [name] => protected [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [26] => Array ( [name] => groups [type] => blob [collation] => [null] => NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => blob ) [27] => Array ( [name] => guests [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [28] => Array ( [name] => id [type] => int [length] => 10 [attributes] => unsigned [index] => PRIMARY [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => auto_increment [origtype] => int(10) unsigned ) [29] => Array ( [name] => pid [type] => int [length] => 10 [attributes] => unsigned [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(10) unsigned ) [30] => Array ( [name] => tstamp [type] => int [length] => 10 [attributes] => unsigned [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(10) unsigned ) [31] => Array ( [name] => sorting [type] => int [length] => 10 [attributes] => unsigned [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(10) unsigned ) [32] => Array ( [name] => type [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [PRIMARY] => Array ( [name] => PRIMARY [type] => index [index_fields] => Array ( [0] => id ) [index] => UNIQUE ) ) ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) [User] => Contao\FrontendUser Object ( [strTable:protected] => tl_member [strCookie:protected] => FE_USER_AUTH [strLoginPage:protected] => [arrGroups:protected] => [intId:protected] => [strIp:protected] => [strHash:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => -1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503 - $Id$ [client_version] => 50011 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 15 [host_info] => via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-log [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 9931433 Threads: 6 Questions: 3947397943 Slow queries: 2001 Opens: 137251874 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 6000 Queries per second avg: 397.465 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 64167346 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => db472451874 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => [dbPass] => t2F6tZFQ [dbPconnect] => [dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => dbo472451874 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( [db472451874] => Array ( [0] => tl_article [1] => tl_calendar [2] => tl_calendar_events [3] => tl_calendar_feed [4] => tl_comments [5] => tl_comments_notify [6] => tl_content [7] => tl_cron [8] => tl_crontab [9] => tl_extension [10] => tl_faq [11] => tl_faq_category [12] => tl_files [13] => tl_form [14] => tl_form_field [15] => tl_formdata [16] => tl_formdata_details [17] => tl_image_size [18] => tl_image_size_item [19] => tl_inserttags [20] => tl_layout [21] => tl_log [22] => tl_member [23] => tl_member_group [24] => tl_module [25] => tl_news [26] => tl_news_archive [27] => tl_news_feed [28] => tl_newsletter [29] => tl_newsletter_channel [30] => tl_newsletter_recipients [31] => tl_page [32] => tl_repository_installs [33] => tl_repository_instfiles [34] => tl_search [35] => tl_search_index [36] => tl_session [37] => tl_style [38] => tl_style_sheet [39] => tl_theme [40] => tl_undo [41] => tl_user [42] => tl_user_group [43] => tl_version ) [tl_inserttags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => tag [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [1] => Array ( [name] => replacement [type] => text [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => text ) [2] => Array ( [name] => disableRTE [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [3] => Array ( [name] => description [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [4] => Array ( [name] => timing [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [5] => Array ( [name] => start_date [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [6] => Array ( [name] => start_time [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [7] => Array ( [name] => end_date [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [8] => Array ( [name] => end_time [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [9] => Array ( [name] => limitpages [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [10] => Array ( [name] => pages [type] => blob [collation] => [null] => NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => blob ) [11] => Array ( [name] => includesubpages [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [12] => Array ( [name] => limitLanguages [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [13] => Array ( [name] => languages [type] => blob [collation] => [null] => NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => blob ) [14] => Array ( [name] => backend [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [15] => Array ( [name] => cacheOutput [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [16] => Array ( [name] => useCondition [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [17] => Array ( [name] => conditionType [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [18] => Array ( [name] => conditionQuery [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [19] => Array ( [name] => conditionFormula [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [20] => Array ( [name] => conditionValue [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [21] => Array ( [name] => useCounter [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [22] => Array ( [name] => counterValue [type] => int [length] => 5 [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(5) ) [23] => Array ( [name] => counterDefault [type] => int [length] => 5 [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(5) ) [24] => Array ( [name] => counterRepeat [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [25] => Array ( [name] => protected [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [26] => Array ( [name] => groups [type] => blob [collation] => [null] => NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => blob ) [27] => Array ( [name] => guests [type] => char [length] => 1 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => char(1) ) [28] => Array ( [name] => id [type] => int [length] => 10 [attributes] => unsigned [index] => PRIMARY [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => auto_increment [origtype] => int(10) unsigned ) [29] => Array ( [name] => pid [type] => int [length] => 10 [attributes] => unsigned [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(10) unsigned ) [30] => Array ( [name] => tstamp [type] => int [length] => 10 [attributes] => unsigned [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(10) unsigned ) [31] => Array ( [name] => sorting [type] => int [length] => 10 [attributes] => unsigned [collation] => [null] => NOT NULL [default] => 0 [extra] => [origtype] => int(10) unsigned ) [32] => Array ( [name] => type [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [collation] => utf8_general_ci [null] => NOT NULL [default] => [extra] => [origtype] => varchar(255) ) [PRIMARY] => Array ( [name] => PRIMARY [type] => index [index_fields] => Array ( [0] => id ) [index] => UNIQUE ) ) ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) ) ) ) [hasTeaser] => 1 [hasMetaFields] => 1 [numberOfComments] => [commentCount] => [timestamp] => 1238688000 [datetime] => 2009-04-02T18:00:00+02:00 [width] => 141 [height] => 200 [arrSize] => Array ( [0] => 130 [1] => 184 [2] => 1 [3] => width="130" height="184" [bits] => 8 [channels] => 3 [mime] => image/gif ) [imgSize] => width="130" height="184" [picture] => Array ( [img] => Array ( [src] => assets/images/a/FBC_Patent-8741d6ea.gif [width] => 130 [height] => 184 [srcset] => assets/images/a/FBC_Patent-8741d6ea.gif ) [sources] => Array ( ) [alt] => [title] => ) [floatClass] => float_left [src] => assets/images/a/FBC_Patent-8741d6ea.gif [title] => [linkTitle] => [addBefore] => 1 [margin] => )

Deutsches Patentamt erteilt Patent für Wirbelschichtfeuerung

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